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PERMANENT DEACON TALKING with Deacon Tom Simms ~ is a compilation spirituality, prayer and worship kind of Podcast.I have no original ideas or new thoughts but I act as a 'Good News Salvage Hunter'. I scour old books and the world wide web for items to restore, refurbish and retell through these homily pods. It started with inspiration from Fr Dan Crosby OFM.Cap ,Fr Dan Goergen O.P.,Ph.D and music created by Mike Anderson. The Homily Pods are based on the Sunday Mass readings. Their purpose is to provide an opportunity for reflection in order to invite the Holy Spirit once more into our busy lives.There is no pressure here. Relax, you are in charge. Allow the words and music and the peace of creation to speak to your heart.The Centering prayer introduced during Advent Week Three and Blessed Solanus's Spiritual Communion I have found to be invaluable in my own situation.Adapt these as you wish.It might be helpful to spend a minute or two with the Sunday readings before listening in order to let anything there touch your heart and speak to you personally, deep in your soul.The wonderful music are the Hymns of Mike Anderson, who along with everyone involved has given full permission for personal works to be included for the benefit of all. His work can be found on Youtube at Hymns of Mike AndersoncLClips of Thomas Merton are used with permission by Learn25, The Thomas Merton Centre, and The Merton Legacy Trust. Here more recordings at Merton Talkscom. Learn25 are also the original copyright holders of many recordings made by Fr Dan Crosby and Fr Donald Goergen. These can be heard at Learn25.com. They are the inspiration for the Sunday Shedpod Interviews which provide moments to ponder on the depth of what has been said by our guests. e.g.. Fr Dan Crosby joined with me in the virtual interview to discuss Blessed Solanus Casey and future podcasts will include Fr Donald Goergen with his thoughts on Mother Teresa ~So watch this space and fill up your soul with a smile, a prayer and some super music.Thank you for listening,Deacon Tom Simms